Email Appending

Email appending is a marketing practice that involves adding or updating email addresses in a company's database. The goal is to fill in missing email addresses for existing contacts in a business's customer or prospect list. This process is typically done by matching the existing customer information, such as names and postal addresses, with a third-party database to obtain the corresponding email addresses.

Establish e-mail communication with customers for increased ROI

We can add email addresses to lists containing names and mailing addresses. We can also add names and mailing addresses to lists containing only email addresses.


You only pay for email addresses that are successfully appended, deliverable, and have received an opt-out message and decided not to unsubscribe from your email list.

100% Opt-in

All emails are permission-based

High Match Rates

Over 35% to 80%+

Your Investment

Pay only for successfully appended and delivered email addresses

No Middleman

Execute email append matching via our in-house database

45 days Guarantee

We guarantee deliverability of emails

Free Match Test

No obligation to determine the results you would receive

Fast Turnaround

Receive your match report within 48 hours!

Quality Control

Performs all CASS standardization and customer matching in-house